Wednesday, June 28, 2006

We're Off!

Doesn't that sound like a fitting title to us leaving for Central America? That is probably the title of every first entry of every trip ever taken. I figure I had better start this thing on the right foot by writing as soon as we leave. Haley and I are in the airport, waiting to board our plane for the 4-hour flight to San Juan, Costa Rica. Luckily, we got to the airport three and a half hours early. Plenty of time to grab a bite to eat, start watching the airport news for a second time, and get a little travellogging in. I think I invented that last word.

So, looking back on the preparation for this trip, I have a little advice to share with the world: DON'T EVER plan a move, buy a house, quit work, go on a month long vacation and start medical school all at the same time. Haley was watching Oprah the other day, where they were talking about the biggest stressors for marriages and what can lead to marital problems. The biggest problem makers? Finances, moving, and planning a vacation. Luckily, Haley and I have had a great time and haven't had any marital problems. We seem to work well together, which is probably a good thing, seeing as we have been together for every minute of every day for the past year (working together and all).

Now that the planning is done with (including packing up all our belongings, and setting up everything to close on our house) it is kind of nice sitting in the airport waiting to board our flight. The past week was rough, but then again, who goes on vacation for a month??? Yep, 32 days.

One thing we have been a little worried about was the crime down in central America. However, after reading up on things, we learned to not put up a fight and just give them what they are asking for. Nearly every tourist that has gotten in trouble, resisted would-be robbers. It is kind of nice looking around the terminal here, seeing as the majority of our flight is younger, college age kids, and older travelers. Hopefully they will look more attractive to would be thieves.

Well, I know these are all a bunch of random thoughts, but I do have one last one. I am very glad that we packed so light. We stuck to our packing list we were given, and consequentially, did not have to check a single item. Yep, we are carrying on all of our supplies that are to last us a month. The lady at the ticket counter could not believe that we weren't checking in a single thing! I was pretty impressed myself. Of course, early this morning, I had to shed items like my wetsuit and the box to the junior mints (the latter was a mistake, as all the junior mints melded into one giant senior mint).

Here is a picture of us leaving our apartment with our luggage (note the impressive lack of baggage--can you tell that I am proud of that one?). Haley is complaining that we aren't even on the airplane yet and I have already written a short novel. Time to wrap this one up.


Maria said...

Hey there! It was fun to read your blog. I think that I am going to start my own to chronicle my adventures as a mother. Maybe it will only be interesting to me, but it might be fun to start!

Eggy said...

Well, if you do so, I will be sure to read is kinda fun to do.