Thursday, July 20, 2006

Day 15 - Short Entry

So, right now I am in a hotel room in Copan, Honduras. We left Roatan early this morning at 5:45 and got into town around 5:00 tonight. What a long travel day. It consisted of a van, and ferry, and two buses (and a 15 minute walk). It is kind of strange taking a roadie every other day, and not everybody is cut out for it. Good old peter is one of those people and if he complains about travel one more time, we'll all go crazy. Luckily he leaves in two days…he won't be missed.

My blogging has definitely dwindled as of late. Roatan was an incredible island, where we played hard and rested equally as hard. I will have to write about our deep sea fishing, our snorkeling, and our awesome barbeque. I am sure those will end up being days 13 and 14. I have a couple good stories to share about the island boys ripping us off at our barbeque, the difficulty we had one night in finding food, and the drunken stupor some of our party found themselves in.

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